Hey guys,
We’re definitely back from the summer holidays. Hope you guys enjoyed a lovely summer as well. Though it was super hot everywhere and the vegetation suffered a lot.
But I’m not here to talk to you about ecology. By this post, you get another insight into our work. We proceeded with recording. Now, what’s left is still some vocals and bass guitar parts. The mixing part has begun as well. So far, it’s amazing sound. We can’t wait to present you all the stuff.
But let’s talk in this section about how we recorded vocals. Unlike the other records, we tried to include Julien’s back vocals more and add more choral stuff. Fortunately, that worked out very well. Further, we experimented with different plug-ins like distorted vocals or a deep pitched voice. Besides this, I experienced also different technics of singing. This means, how I play with breathing, how I underline explicit sections, and so on. So, we really put a lot of work and fineness into the vocal parts.
What changed as well compared to the other records, is the setup of our microphone. We still use the Rhode NT-2000, which you love more the more you use it. But this time, I pulled up the gain-knob to the highest possible level, where the vocal sound was still neat and clean. Inserting a solid working compressor, not just to break some peaks, rather than punching in front every single noise of my voice. This was necessary to match with my adjusted technic of singing. If you set up your stuff like that, be aware that every impure sound recorded can’t be removed. Furthermore, you need to compress harder when you mix.
There are always some pros and cons depending on the way you work. I recommend to decide preliminarily what kind of sound picture you want to present. Then experiment with different sound setups to get as close as possible to that picture. When you get there, ponder the pros and cons. Then you know, what kind of work you and your team have to do.
Hopefully, in the next section I’m going to talk about the bass parts, before we close you insights with a mixing section. After that, we have in mind to present you the booklet for the new record.
As usual, stay tuned for more information.
Keep on rocking and enjoy Seasplash!