Freitag, 1. Juni 2018

Review on PRS MT-15

Dear fellows

Please, excuse our delated post. We had a couple of rough moments the past two months. But everything is fine again. Thanks for understanding.
Because of our private things, we didn’t find time to continue with our work. But during June, Bass parts, as well vocal parts will be recorded.
If I recall correctly, I mentioned in a past post the new PRS Mark Tremonti Signature Modell Amp – MT 15. In this post, I talk about what’s so special about this amp.

First of all, I believe that playing this thing would driving me crazy. So, I definitely need to buy one of these. Why? Here is why.

First, it’s PRS. Paul Reed Smith has always done innovative stuff with a high level of quality. Especially the subdivision signature-models. So, let’s count one point for the brand.

Second, it’s Mark Tremonti. Mark puts some serious considerations and energy into his creations. You experience this out of his Morley Wah pedal and out of his guitar signatures. Two points.

Third, it’s a 15 Watts two channel tube amp. And that’s in my opinion the amazing part. That little thing creates massive pressure and metal sound, it blows my mind. Of course, EVH or Randall have some nice 15 Watts tube tops that give you a nice rock n’ roll sound. But the MT 15 is a real metal amp by heart. And the good thing is, you can use it at home! We count three points.

Fourth, the appearance. I’m total detail freak and love the color design. Not just for music, also in cars or wherever. Light affects your emotions. Therefore, you will have an association between the light and the sound, which is in my opinion a great concept. Four points.

Fifth, the price. I mean for high quality you usually pay a lot. But this little baby cost only around 500 Euros. That’s literally nothing compared to what different big amps cost. Though it will be interesting to check, on what level the manufacture is done. But still, we count the fifth point.

What else do you need than a solid two channel tube amp with which you are able to play anything you want. Nothing, except the PRS MT 15!

Stay tuned for more post.

Enjoy Seasplash!