Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

Who and what is Seasplash?

Seasplash is a Band formed in 2006 by the Duc-brothers, Michel, Gilles and Julien, who decided to unite their individual instruments and prospectively to perform together. Inspired by certain musicians such as the members of Bon Jovi, Metallica or Rammstein, the by then still nameless band went about rehearsing their own melodies and riffs, which were composed and arranged by the two guitarists Michel and Julien. Particularly the eldest one, Michel, was in charge of the lyrics, inasmuch he had the skills and the knowhow to assimilate those lyrics with the guitarplay and hereby how to create harmonic tunes.

The very first song ever produced is called “Something To Believe In”, which was also played at the first self-organized concert in the beginning of 2007. With its finishing an idea for a name for the band came up; “Seasplash”. The sea should metaphorically represent something enormous and powerful, out of that something mightful could be able to emerge. May it be something with a destructive impact followed by dreadful consequences or something broad-minded followed by a positive developing. With this in mind the band wanted having designed a logo, which should represent this kind of thinking. The two dragons seem to be witty and tremendous, and yet they are capable of creating a disastrous cataclysm, but still they’re blessed with unreachable wisdom.
After hard-working rehearsing and jamming and after a long time of searching, the band finally succeeded in finding a bass player. Alexej (Alex) Morozow joined the band in the end of 2007, because of which the band experienced a new feature of motivation to work in a disciplined way and play even more purposefully to gain the aims, which were requested, as fast and as successful as possible. Those were/are the finishing and producing of numerous songs, performing on stage by giving many concerts to get used to the in the front standing audience and spreading the own thoughts and the message in the lyrics as well.

The first height in the band’s story was expecting the band in the heart of Zurich, when in the summer of 2008 due to the 175. Birthday of “Kantonsschulen” a big Open-Air was organised. Nowadays the four musicians still revel in memories and enjoy thinking about this fulfilling moment, when they were allowed to play their songs in front of such a great and numerous audience. This was a huge step taken, and the band will always appreciate having had this opportunity.
After several played concerts and an increasing repertoire as in songs and lyrics the band was aimed at giving their fans and others in the near surroundings the possibility to listen to their music more often, and at spreading the band’s name and its music as far as possible. That’s why the band probably made its most exciting and helpful experience in the Power-Play-Studios in the summer of 2010, when the first studio-album called “Seasplash” was professionally recorded and arranged. During this bodacious time of the CD-production the four musicians had the chance to educate within the range recording and its business. Additionally the band could benefit from the soundengineer’s tips and tricks which will have to be respected and implemented. The CD-release-concert took place in October of the same year, when CD was available for the first time.  
In the beginnings of 2011 it was the bands precedence to spend the time ameliorating the own music based on the feedbacks concerning the CD. The upgrades were presented at the first Open-Air-Thalwil, which was arranged by Seasplash under the command of Michel/with Michel as the executive chief, in May. Given that this event found favour with the crowd and the bands, four months later the Open-Air already occurred for the second time with Seasplash as the main. Simultaneously the band announced the outcome of their second album called “Black n’ Red” at the beginning of 2012. The association “Open-Air-Thalwil”, which was brought into being by Michel, proclaimed that for the coming year a further Open-Air is going to take place. Seasplash again will have the opportunity to play then. 

By now the band is busy working at the new album. For the rest of this year no more concerts will occur. But for 2012 Seasplash with some other bands have been planning a little tour through Zurich and surrounding areas. Then some songs from the new album will be played for sure.

Music and Lyrics

Given that the three brothers grew mostly listening to rock music and Alex as well, there was no question about what genre of music the band was going to follow. In the early beginnings the tunes were mostly ranged between soft and hard rock-ballad even up to vociferous Hard-Rock. The lyrics contained principally the very mundane subject; love and its deplorable consequences for human beings.
More and more the guitarriffs became harder and faster so that the lyrics must be adapted so that more drastic themes like racism, addiction to drugs, violence and death were brought up. The sound gained a tone bit heavier as usually. It now sticks between Hard-Rock and melodic Metal. This width as in tunes is a typical feature which sincerely characterizes the band. This fact will be irrevocably proven by the new album “Black n’ Red”, which surpasses the first one as to speed and hardness.